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Genomictree, a New Paradigm for Cancer Diagnosis

입력 2016-11-09 17:55 수정 2016-11-15 13:25

바이오스펙테이터 Kim Sungmin 기자

이 기사는 '프리미엄 뉴스서비스 BioS+' 기사입니다.
Company own know-how for exploring and developing epigenetic marks that are excellently accurate in cancer diagnosis

There are many analytic service companies that provide risk of cancer or such indicators as low or high risk group through genetic analysis. However, this risk does not mean point to specific risks. It just says some cancer is likely.

Imagine, when the weather service forecast 70% chance of rain, it hasn't rained and you have carried your umbrella all day in a sultry weather at 35 degrees Celsius just in case. How stressful it must be!

Genomictree operates in the market for accurate early cancer diagnosis which goes beyond just cancer risk by opting out of genetic information and focusing on epigenetic marks that register higher accuracy. Genomictree got its blood-based colorectal cancer diagnosis kit approved by Ministry of Drug and Food Safety in 2014. Currently, the company is expanding its targets to include colorectal cancer (feces), bladder cancer, and lung cancer.

In his recent interview with Biospectator, CEO Ahn Seong-hwan of Genomictree said, "While colorectal cancer can be fairly prevented with early diagnosis, most patients are reluctant to have endoscopy," and added, "So, we decided to create an accurate early cancer diagnosis program." What enabled Genomictree to come up with a product that boasts excellent effectiveness was the epigenetic marks that the company discovered with its own technology.

◇Epigenetics as software that controls genes...

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