기사 목록
OPTOLANE Exploits the ‘Semiconductor-based PCR’ for POC·Liquid Biopsy
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BeyondBio develops new drugs for pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer's disease
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굳티셀, Treg 신규마커 발굴.."암, 자가면역질환 신약개발"
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TiCARos, Development of CTLA4 gene modificated CAR-T to avoid immune tolerance
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온코태그 "新마커로 정확도↑ 췌담도암 병리진단 도전"
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옵토레인, '반도체 융합 PCR 플랫폼' POC·액체생검에 활용
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The Two-Track Strategy of J2H Biotech: “Development of Innovative and Incrementally Modified Drugs”
G&E Biotech found its Blue Ocean of the “Cotton Sanitary Napkin”
코오롱생과, 'Next 인보사' 1·2호 프로젝트의 잠재력
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Yoo’s Biopharm Develops New Oral Drug for AMD
G+FLAS Challenges Anti-Cancer Drug Based on ‘CRISPR PLUS’ Technology
티카로스, 면역관용 막는 'CTLA4 조작 CAR-T' 개발
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MediTulip, prescription of experts to solve un-met needs in the field
Novomics Develops Challenging ‘First-in-Class’ Gastric Cancer Prognosis
비욘드바이오 "췌장암 AD 치료, 新기전 합성신약 개발"