기사 목록
3billion, 'variant interpretation+DB' for rare diseases.."Challenge for drug development"
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ENGAIN targets “Global medical devices” with “Polymer treatment agent”
엔게인, ‘고분자 치료소재’로 “글로벌 의료기기” 공략
Geninus, Single Cell Technology for precision medicine-from dignosis to drug discovery
Levatio's expanding strategy for cell and gene therapy with ‘circular RNA’
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쓰리빌리언, 희귀질환 '변이해석+DB' 강점.."신약도전"
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펠레메드, 저분자화합물 발굴 '펠레셀렉트' 장점은?
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BaobabAI, New Drug Development based on ‘Cryo-EM+Quantum Mechanics and AI’
큐어바이오TX, GARS 항암제 “10년 연구, 임상 도전”
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애스톤사이언스, '선택과 분산' 신약개발 2가지 전략
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지니너스, '싱글셀기술' 기반 정밀의료 "자신하는 이유"
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AI더뉴트리진, ‘종이바이오칩’ 자가 신속진단 新접근법
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Genemedicine's 'GM-oAd' Strategy to Overcome Anti-Cancer Virus ‘Limitations’?
[창간기획]레바티오,'Next mRNA' 세포·유전자 확장전략
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RevoSketch, Targeting ‘Early Diagnosis’ of Intractable Diseases with ‘Digital PCR’